报告题目:2D and 3D inversion strategies for magnetotelluric data: Examples from geodynamic and applied projects
报 告 人:Prof. Dr. Ute Weckmann
Ute Weckmann studied Geophysics in Frankfurt and completed her PhD in 2002 at the Freie Universität in Berlin. With an Emmy-Noether Fellowship from the German Research Foundation, she spent her PostDoc at DIAS in Dublin, Ireland. Upon her return she leads a junior research group at the German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ) in Potsdam, Germany, and since 2013 she is head of the research group "Magnetotellurics" at GFZ. She is also affiliated with the University of Potsdam where she is associate professor and gives lectures in Geophysics. Her field of expertise comprises EM methods, large Magnetotelluric (MT) field experiments, MT data analysis and 2D / 3D inversion.